SITCOMTN-001: Operations Manual for Dome Seeing Monitor

  • Michael Reuter

Latest Revision: 2020-01-23

1   The LSST Dome Seeing Monitor

The LSST Dome Seeing Monitor (DSM) is an instrument for measuring the seeing along a given line of sight.

2   Dome Seeing Monitor Quick Start

3   Dome Seeing Monitor UI

3.1   Using the UI

The DSM laptop contains the software to run the monitoring user interface (UI). It is installed within a miniconda environment. To setup the environment for running the UI, perform the following from a terminal.

conda activate dsm

The UI is configured via one of the files contained in the /dsm/dsm_ui_config directory. This directory is a clone of this GitHub repository and contains the standard configurations for the DSM. To run the default configuration of the UI, do the following from a terminal (after running the steps above.).

smm_ui -c /dsm/dsm_ui_config/default.yaml

3.2   Installing a New UI Version

Should it become necessary to install a new version of the UI, you must switch into the dsm service account by first doing the following.

sudo su -s /bin/bash dsm

Next, perform the steps to setup the environment and then run the following.

pip install -U spot_motion_monitor

If a new version is available, it will be installed.

3.3   Installing a Development Version

If it becomes necessary to install a development version of the UI, first create a directory called git in your home directory. Next, cd into that and execute the following.

git clone

If you intend to commit changes back to the repository and have the privileges to do so, clone the repository this way.

git clone

Next change into the directory of the clone and checkout the branch that you want to run. Example is shown below.

cd spot_motion_monitor
git checkout -t origin/tickets/SE-1302

Once on the correct branch, perform the following steps to run the UI.

conda activate dsm_dev
python build_ui
rsmm python scripts/

The rsmm wrapper sets up the environment to correctly execute the program. The CLI options from smm_ui are all available in this mode. The third step is only necessary when changing branches. The last step is necessary on subsequent executions of the UI.

4   Dome Seeing Monitor CSC

4.1   Using the CSC

The DSM laptop has a Docker container installed on it that houses the Commandable SAL Component (CSC) software. There is also a Docker Compose file that aids in launching the container. That file provides the following container instances:

  • dsm1-fast-sim
  • dsm2-slow-sim
  • dsm1
  • dsm2

The sim containers are the CSC running in simulated mode. The fast simulator feeds telemetry at 1 Hz. The slow simulator feeds telemetry at once every 30 seconds. The other two containers are the realtime ones for the (currently) two DSM units planned. These containers are used in conjunction with the DSM UI. Since the CSC is an indexed component, when running multiple containers, one must ensure that only one of each index is running at any given time. Each laptop assigned to a DSM unit should be responsible for running only one of the realtime CSC containers to avoid conflicts with telemetry entering the EFD.

4.1.1   Startup CSC

cd /dsm/ts_Dockerfiles/Compose/TusconTestStand/DSM
docker-compose up dsm1

If a container is already present, the above will generate an error message. To force a new container, do the following.

docker-compose up --force-recreate dsm1

4.1.2   Shutdown CSC

The following can be run from anywhere

docker exec -it <container> /home/saluser/

The <container> refers to the running CSC that is to be shutdown. If all containers are shutdown, the containers themselves should be removed by doing the following.

cd /dsm/ts_Dockerfiles/Compose/TusconTestStand/DSM
docker-compose down


The down command destroys ALL running containers.

4.2   Update the Docker Container

If a new update to the container is necessary, the following command can be run to perform the update.

docker pull lsstts/dsm:<tag>

The <tag> will depend on the desired version of the container to update. To list the currently deployed images, run the following.

docker images